Be positive, Be Patient, Be Persistent…

be positive

So, I really do tend to like this time of year.  I love looking back on the past year and reflecting. I also enjoy looking to the upcoming year and setting goals.

I’m a goal setter in life in general. I think that’s why my impending 30th bday a few weeks away is freaking me out. Like, by 30 I think my goals consisted of being married, owning a home, working my dream job and having “my shit together”.  I’m learning as I “grow up” that most people never truly feel like they “have their shit together”. What does that even mean?  When you get one thing together something else seems to come up, no?  Maybe that’s just my adult life.

I’m slowly(ever so slowly) learning that those milestones are somewhat superficial in nature. Most of what “life” is, is that journey to milestones. And just because those are the cliché milestones doesn’t mean they are THE milestones for everyone.

I’ve gotten through some tough stuff solo so that’s pretty impressive when hitting 30.  All you pansies getting married or in relationships, relying on another human day in and day out and I’m doing it all by myself. #boom.  lol jk…sort of.

Today was daunting because I attempted to tackle my one goal of getting out of debt. Well, getting out of some debt. I’ll be chipping away at my student loans for another decade or so.

I’m realizing that tackling my financial and physical health is important to me in 2016. Talk about turning 30…sounds like a 30 year old life.

I’m learning to be realistic with my goal setting as well.  Don’t focus on the $10,000 debt I have to pay off. Just look at the month of January and the small changes I can make.

I’m not focusing on the 50lbs I have to lose. I’m focusing on the goal of participating in some physical activity at least 3 times a week in January. AND I’m not going to kick myself if I only make it to the elliptical. Or if I only do 20 minutes of stretching.  That’s better than nothing!!

Goal setting…so fun!  2016 should be an improvement!