Balance is key

Hello blog world! I’m going to make a strong effort to post on this blog and would appreciate any and all (positive) feedback to assist on my continual journey to wellness! That being said, follow me on instagram: Journey2Wellness29

My new focus for 2016 will revolve around BALANCE.  I know I’ve struggled with this in the past. I finally had a realization lately that my lack of balance is negatively impacting my mood/perspective.

Perfect example of my misbalance/extremist ways.   I work in an urban school as a special education teacher for under privileged students  during the day. And nanny for over privileged, very wealthy kids in the evenings/weekends.

I became aware of how different it is when I had one student, who is the sweetest kid ever, tell me that Santa forgot him last year. My heart just broke.

Then the following weekend I’m babysitting for the rich kids who are…not the best behaved(I’m being generous here). They were throwing their scooters around on the ground like they were nothing.  At one point in the day I brought up Santa and how they have to be good for Santa to come and the 5 year old literally was like “Whatever! Santa can’t see me!”.  Like,  that’s officially when I decided that these kids are not for me. If a 5 year old doesn’t respect Santa, how the heck am I supposed to get respect?

I literally spent part of my day in a ghetto and the other part of my day in a mansion.   I need to find balance.  The first step is admitting.

On a random note:

How I started my Monday Morning:   Up and out early for parent teacher conferences before Winter Break starts (tomorrow at 12:30!!).  Loaded up the blender with all types of immune boosting things…and then…BOOM. Spilled three fourths of it on my counter.  I yelled out a few profanities but then cleaned up, grabbed my 1/4 smoothie, threw a breakfast bar in my purse and was on my way. If the worst part of my day is spilling a smoothie I’d say I’m making out ok!

smoothie spill